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Tips and Tricks for increased performance.

Obtain digital files of the plan you are working on to figure your materials.  This must include a bird's eye view of the structure.  All plans should have a bird's eye view, if they do not, simply call the architect/designer to obtain.  Most will be happy to provide.  PVP works best with .jpeg and .pdf's at a resolution of 300 dpi or greater with a "paper" size of 15" or greater.  PVP has a link to submit your files so we can export back to you in this type of format.

If they are paper plans with no digital files, simply take a picture with your cell phone or scan the document at your local copy center.  Scanning will give better resolution, thus better results.

First step, the system will ask to scale the drawing before beginning.  Take very careful precaution when entering this number.  For best results, find a dimension or known object between 20 and 45 feet.

Completly review the roof view before beginning.  Trace all areas with dead valley's and no fascia first, then apply the "start rafter point" to the ridge in those sections.  An entire roof can be traced first, then properties can be applied by adjusting the corners to tag each item, but this way makes things a lot quicker.

Complete line identifications and generate rafters on all top surfaces first (such as dormers), then edit those top surface to change pitch and properties.  This eliminates issues with underlying roof planes.

Trace all the way to the end of the rafters at the gutter edge.  Do not include the gutter or the calculations will be a little long.

Start tracing at the top of the hips or the ridge to make sure that your fascia's are locked in straight.  Try to make the fascia's the "middle trace" line.

Cut-out surfaces for dormers and any holes in roof after lines are identified and properties are given.  The system will ask to go around or over those cut-out areas.

For areas underlying top roof surfaces that still require rafters with no cut-out.  Cut-out those areas after rafters are generated to eliminate the roof area.  This will eliminate the surface area ... ie: decking, nails, felt, etc., but not the actual rafters.  This will keep the list accurate.

Valleys can be figured two ways.  Some cut the valleys at the bearing wall point, others run the valleys out to fascia.  We recommend figuring the valley all the way out.  This will give a little extra material so the valleys are not sent out too short.

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